Controls (W/S/E/D Keys for the Turrets).  Instructions button showcases this best. 

Turrets fire on their own. Use them to destroy the invading convoy. Your base's Shield won't hold forever! Keep moving. Our allies are working on upgrades to evolve your Turrets with. Hopefully you will last long enough to see them...

The more enemies you dispatch, the more upgrades you get affecting the turrets and the beams. Enemies also start coming faster and in greater numbers!

To your stations! 

Rank #31 for Gamplay in the January SpaceScore GameJam!! 

More Updates to come soon!

UPDATE: PreFinal Update! 

 - The game has been mostly revamped. There is now a Boss! 

- Upgrade path has also been streamlined in order to allow some actual choices to be made

- Unlimited mode comes after the boss where you can bring havoc onto the enemy, among other means of destruction

- Graphics have been slightly updated to give a better feel

- Some balancing patches will come soon, and maybe even some additional Bosses to fight! 

Thank you for playing!

Warning: This game does contain some flashing lights. Play at your own risk. 


Download 35 MB
Credits.txt 1.3 kB

Install instructions

Download>Unzip (Preferably with 7Zip)>Double Click on BeamVolution

Good Luck!

Development log

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